
48 Movie Reviews

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Something bothers me

That was quite humorous. I find your animating skills of high quality, your humor a trying effort, and cinematics well approached. There's only one thing that really bothers me about this movie: Why did you get some 12 year old boy to be the announcer? Your score reflects it.

Pretty good

When you do a fan version of anything, it's undoubtedly going to be compared to the original stuff. In this case, you did the graphics well. The animation was pretty good. The worst part was the sound. There was sound, that's true, but that's where the good stuff ends. One sound sounded like you recorded it off the tv speaker, and if you didn't notice, Itchy and Scratchy always has music playing in the background. There was too much silence in yours. Silence, silence, sound clip, silence. You made this a while ago, so I'm sure whatever you make today will be better!

Great as usual

I still like RAB1 the most. Two was just playing to the crowd (not that that's so bad) and this one had a story, so that upped the score. The first movie was just true expression of everything you couldn't do at work. These later ones are made for the NewGrounds crowd, but since that's where you are, it's not bad. I think you could be funnier if you jsut let the NewGrounds thing go though.

Yes, not bad

Not bad indeed. Definitely put in more time (non-generic sound fx, a story) and you'll have some really good stuff. Top 5 Good stuff.


Why would you take an idea that's already been done before, do it very badly, and upload it? You didn't take enough time to record the voices with any decent quality. There was no real animation. I usually tell people to keep trying, but in your case, you don't even show any effort or cared about the movie at all, so just stop making movies.

Don't feel bad

It took 3 people to make that crap. Tween this, and draw over the last frame that. I see SMOE remnance of skill in there. Just take your time. Bad bad bad bad blam.

Not bad.

Proof that small files can still be amusing. It's too bad you think the sound might be half-assed because audio would have improved it, even some simple child-like music.


How many people loved the movies Final Fantasy: the Spirit Within, the Lost In Space movie, or Waterworld? All had tons of eye candy, and none of them are good movies. Why, why.....hmmm... they all lacked story!

It's the same with the Arrogancy series and this installment in particular. "No story" doesn't mean an absence of story, but the absence of a good story. Cocky (similar) characters with lots of bravado isn't good.

I like to say it had awesome graphics/animation, at least, to hold it up, but it didn't. The animation was good. The style was well defined, but it wasn't unique, kinda bland. And hey, I like anime. I just don't like pointless action sequences (yes, I watched the other parts first).

Get some help with the story, and please get some help with the voice acting. That only made it worse. Call me the Simon Cowell of Flash movies, but I give it a "6 out of 10, so what."

Working on a game project that will lead to a larger game project that will lead to a larger game project. When it's out you'll see it here on the blog.

Andre @gel


2D Animator/Game Dev

CSU, Chico, graduated

Southern California

Joined on 3/1/03

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